Monday, May 2, 2011

Homemade is where the heart is...

I have always strived to make my family's food from scratch as much as I can. However I found that I do buy soups and canned baked beans for quick dinners and sides when needed.  Dan has found me a 23 qt pressure canner so I can have a pantry filled with homemade goodness. I am on my way to making sure we have great food on hand at all times and love knowing where my food comes from.

I also made bagels today. I have to say I am impressed as they came out really yummy!

Camille helped me pick dandelions and violets for jelly. I will let you know how those turn out...

1 comment:

  1. Great looking bagels! I haven't attempted bagels yet, seems overwhelming! Love your blog! The soup looks awesome too!
